Today I wanna take you to the past for a moment...
Hoje eu quero leva-los ao passado por um momento...
Who didn't have a Question Notebook as a child?
Quem nao teve um Caderno de Perguntas quando criança?
It was that notebook we ask our friends to answer all the questions... kind like our TAGs these days...
Era um caderno que nos fazíamos perguntas a nossos amigos responderem... mais ou menos como as TAGs de hoje em dia...
I really enjoyed my Question Notebook!
Eu adorava meu Caderno de Perguntas!
So, on this post I'll be asking you some questions and I would like you to answer them in your comments just to have some fun!
Entao, neste post eu farei perguntas e gostaria que vocês respondessem em seus comentários e nos divertirmos um pouco!
Are you ready?
Estao prontos?
Let's go with teacher Pri!
Vamos la com a teacher Pri!
1. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
2. Do you believe the world will end in 2012?
3. How many ears do you have?
4. Are you single?
5. Do you remember your first teacher's name? What is it?
6. Where do you live?
7. What's your job?
8. Have you ever studied English? Where?
9. What's your favorite band/singer?
10. Did you translate anything from the questions? (A-ha! Caught you!)
Next week I'll post my answers and some comments to these questions, ok?
Na semana que vem, postarei minhas respostas e alguns comentarios a essas perguntas, ok?
See you next post!
Ate o proximo post!
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